「選択」と「責任」 存在主義のエッセンス

「選択」と「責任」 存在主義のエッセンス

「選択」と「責任」 存在主義のエッセンス

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that explores various aspects of human existence, including the concepts of choice and responsibility. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of existentialism and examine how our choices and the responsibilities that come with them shape our lives. While these concepts may seem complex, we will explore them in a simple and relatable manner, so that even a middle school student can understand and appreciate them.


What is Existentialism?

Existentialism is a philosophical perspective that focuses on the individual’s freedom of choice and the responsibility that accompanies it. It emphasizes the uniqueness and autonomy of each person, highlighting the importance of personal subjectivity and the search for meaning in life. Existentialists believe that we are defined by our actions and choices, rather than predetermined by external factors.

The Power of Choice

Choices are an integral part of our everyday lives. From deciding what to wear in the morning to making major life decisions, we are constantly confronted with choices. Existentialism emphasizes the significance of these choices and the impact they have on our lives. Our choices determine the direction we take, shaping our personal growth and the fulfillment we derive from our actions.

For example, imagine a middle school student faced with the choice of studying diligently or procrastinating on their schoolwork. By choosing to study, they take responsibility for their education and increase their chances of achieving academic success. Conversely, if they choose to procrastinate, they must bear the responsibility of any negative consequences that may arise from their decision.

The Weight of Responsibility

With great freedom comes great responsibility. Existentialism recognizes that our choices are not made in isolation; they have consequences that extend beyond ourselves. Each choice we make affects not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. This awareness instills a sense of responsibility within us, urging us to consider the impact our choices may have on others.

Let’s consider a scenario where a middle school student is chosen to be a team captain in a sports competition. This role comes with the responsibility of leading and motivating their team, making fair decisions, and taking responsibility for the team’s performance. The student’s choices and actions, both on and off the field, can have a significant impact on the team’s success and the overall experience of the team members.

Finding Meaning through Choice

Existentialism suggests that through our choices, we can find meaning in our lives. By embracing our freedom to choose, we can create our own path and give purpose to our existence. Whether it’s pursuing a passion, standing up for our beliefs, or making a positive impact on society, our choices can shape our personal journey and contribute to the greater good.

Consider a middle school student passionate about environmental issues. They choose to actively participate in recycling programs, reduce their carbon footprint, and raise awareness among their peers. Through these choices, they find meaning by aligning their actions with their values and contributing to a cause they believe in.

Taking Responsibility for Others

Existentialism recognizes the interdependence and interconnectedness of human beings. It emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility not only for ourselves but also for others. Our choices should consider the well-being and rights of those around us, promoting a more compassionate and ethical society.

For instance, when a middle school student witnesses a classmate being bullied, they face a choice – to intervene and provide support or to remain a silent bystander. By taking responsibility and choosing to stand up against bullying, they not only help the victim but also create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone in the school.

The Essence of Existentialism

Existentialism, at its core, encourages us to recognize the power of choice and the responsibility that arises from it. It reminds us that our choices, whether big or small, have consequences and shape our identities. By embracing our freedom to choose and acting responsibly, we can find meaning in our lives and positively impact both ourselves and those around us.


Existentialism explores the essence of human existence, emphasizing the significance of choice and the responsibility that accompanies it. Our choices define who we are and shape the direction of our lives. By understanding the weight of responsibility and considering the impact our choices may have on others, we can find meaning and purpose in our actions. Existentialism invites us to embrace our freedom, act responsibly, and make choices that align with our values and contribute to a better world.

Through the power of choice and the recognition of our responsibilities, we can navigate life’s complexities and strive for personal growth and fulfillment. So, let us embrace the essence of existentialism and make choices that lead us to a meaningful and responsible existence.
